
Basic Laws

Implanter SP Tech[1]
(ULR 28, Review Session Data, 3, 4 de July 88, Nashto,)


To hit a group or split a group apart is very EASY. One only needs to do 3rd Party AND change Rules and PLs, etc. Either on the whole Group or Part of them.

The more increadible the data, facts, circumstances, or situations are or get presented, the better. This way others will not believe it and/or fight back.

Hit the Player experience all. Hit him at his worst point of the Game, make him stuck there, so he can't compare.

Turn the best friend or most loyal terminal of the Leader.

Confuse the Player so he becomes a Problem. That will fixate his attention to such a degree that he can't play anymore.

Take the Goal, alter it only slightly. This way the Player does not notice it - but it's VERY effective as it acts as a WRONG ITEM.

Use the Life Vectors of a Player and turn around the... (something like anchor points) so it goes into the Negative.

An easy way to stick a Player is to fixate him on his Mock-ups (= ˘). Then make him believe, confirm him, there's a scarcity of those Mock-ups so he will hold onto them by himself. And make sure he looses the Power to mock-up.

Assign wrong conditions, and make certain this condition gets applied. The Player or Group will - by natural Laws - go further down, but can't detect the reason.

After you hit a Player, give him a Stable Datum, fixate his Attention on that, and then withdraw that datum, so he can't reach it.


Purpose of SPs is to catch the Players IN the Games.

The VFP is "Broken Pieces".


